Browser Cookies with PHP and JavaScript

I have a game that I am in the process of updating. Originally it passed scores in with the URL, but I decided to update it so that the scores are not visible. My first thought was to use session variables, but since I want to change the scores in response to calculations that are done in JavaScript, that isn’t feasible. A better way is to use cookies. When I first enter a page, I set or get the cookies with PHP. I want the game levels to persist from visit to visit but the scores are only kept for the session.

// Initialize the cookies with PHP. Keep the group and level around but make the scoring session cookies
// If the cookie is set by the code, it is not available until the next page load
$cookie_name = "VPA_group";
$cookie_value = "MW1";
if( !isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ) {
$group  = isset($_COOKIE["VPA_group"])  ? $_COOKIE["VPA_group"]   : $cookie_value;

$cookie_name = "VPA_WFF";
$cookie_value = "Wide";
if( !isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ) {
$WFF    = isset($_COOKIE["VPA_WFF"])    ? $_COOKIE["VPA_WFF"]     : $cookie_value;

$cookie_name = "VPA_cor";
$cookie_value = 0;
if( !isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ) {
$cor    = isset($_COOKIE["VPA_cor"])    ? $_COOKIE["VPA_cor"]     : $cookie_value;

$cookie_name = "VPA_inc";
$cookie_value = 0;
if( !isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ) {
$inc    = isset($_COOKIE["VPA_inc"])    ? $_COOKIE["VPA_inc"]     : $cookie_value;

$cookie_name = "VPA_screen";
$cookie_value = 0;
if( !isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ) {
$screen = isset($_COOKIE["VPA_screen"]) ? $_COOKIE["VPA_screen"]  : $cookie_value;

Once I have the values, I need to let JavaScript know what they are.

        echo "var cor = $cor;\n";
        echo "var inc = $inc;\n";
        echo "var screen = $screen;\n";

        echo "var group = \"$group\";\n";
        echo "var WFF = \"$WFF\";\n";
        echo "var cookie_days = \"$cookie_days\";\n";

Then I can use JavaScript to change them, as I described in the previous post.

function goNext() {

function changeLevel(cookieName, cookieValue) {
    cor = 0;
    inc = 0;
    screen = 0;
    setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, 'Y');

function setCookie(cname, cvalue, set_time) {
    var expires = '';
    if ( set_time == 'Y' ) {
        var d = new Date();
        d.setTime(d.getTime() + (cookie_days*24*60*60*1000));
        expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString();
    //alert('cname ' + cname + 'group ' + cvalue + 'time ' + expires);
    document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires;

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