Remove Password on PDF file.

My accountant sent me my tax returns as password protected PDF files. There isn’t any way to get them out of Adobe Acrobat Reader without the password. There are lots of on-line solutions, but that means giving someone else access to your data. There are also programs that you can download, but it’s hard to know if you can trust them. Instead just drop your PDF onto Safari. Enter the password, then use File –> Print to print to PDF.

If you want to add a new password, open the file in Preview and then use the Export as PDF command. Click on the Show Details button and check the box for encryption. You can add your own password here. The encrypted files will open in Reader and Preview.

Centering YouTube Videos

WordPress automatically displays YouTube videos when you put the shared link into a post. (Leave a blank line before and after the link.)

Sometimes you want to center the video and this code will do it.

<iframe style='margin: 0 auto; display:block' width='560' height='315' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p class='caption'>Bruiser and Bird</p>

Bruiser and Bird

If you use the centering trick, the video won’t display in preview mode.

You can have the video start at a specific location by appending the time to the link.

Learning Swift

Now that Swift 3 is out and the language is stable, I thought I’d write my next app using it. I watched the first few videos of Paul Hegarty’s CS193P class and then started to read The Swift Programming Language (Swift 3). My first inclination, since this is the replacement for Objective C, was to relate the language features of Swift to those of Objective C. Both languages will have to handle strings and arrays so I started there. It didn’t go as well as I thought it would. An immutable string in Swift is initialized as

let mySwiftString:String = "This is a string."

whereas an immutable string in Objective C is initialized as

NSString *myObjCString = @[This is a string.];

So far so good, but the similarity breaks down quickly.

mySwiftString = "The string now has new content." //  Cannot assign to value: 'myString' is a let constant
myObjCString = "The string now has new content." //  No problem

Change the ‘let’ to ‘var’ for the Swift string and it works fine but then you no longer have an immutable string.

In Objective C, ‘myObjCString’ is an object created by the String Class. Swift strings are represented by the String type. In Swift, strings, arrays, dictionaries, sets, and numbers are value types.
When they are passed around, their value is passed around, not a reference to an object. Not so with Objective C where some of these are passed by value and some by reference. And numbers can be either ‘primitives’ or NSNumbers.

Another big difference is type safety. Swift is a type-safe language so you must explicitly define the type of everything or else the complier will object. Objective C puts the onus on you to make sure that the type of your object is what the code expects.

I quickly decided that trying to fit Swift into my mental model of Objective C wasn’t going to work. Sure they both handle operations, collection types, control flow, and classes, but their basic approach is so different that trying to draw analogies between the two is counter-productive.