Checking the logs

We’ve been getting hit with SSH login attempts. Sometimes there were thousands per minute and they slowed the machine to a crawl. So we installed fail2ban and that has slowed the attempts considerably.

Recently one site has been hit with huge numbers of SQL injection attacks (18,000) per day. Right now, I trap them and return a static page.

Here’s what my URL looks like:

This is what an attack looks like:


I know for sure that this isn’t just a bad link or fat-fingered typing so I don’t want to send them to an overview page. I also don’t want to use any resources on my site delivering static pages.

First I get the productID, then check to see if it is a number. If it is, all is good and I skip the rest of this code. If not, they might have an extra space in the URL from copying and pasting, so I give them the benefit of the doubt and strip them out. If productID is still not a number, I send the page not found response and kill the rest of the page load.

$productID = (isset($_GET['id']) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']) : '55');

// Attempts have been made to exploit the database with long strings. 
// This stops it without filling up the error log.
if ( !is_numeric($productID) ) {
    $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
    $ip  = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    error_log("long string in products.php: URL is $url and IP is $ip & ref is $ref");
    if ( !is_numeric($productID) ) {
        error_log("Still a long string in products.php after replacement: URL is $url and IP is $ip & ref is $ref");
        header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");

The bot thinks that there isn’t a page there and usually goes away. Sometimes it tries a few more times, but not the thousands of times it used to.

Things I can’t remember—import SQL file to MySQL

I usually use phpMyAdmin to manipulate tables in my databases but sometimes the file I want to import is too big. In that case I use the command line to import the file.

In this line, I replace a database with formatted sql statements that I’ve edited by hand. the -p flag without an argument will prompt for the root password of the MySQL installation.

mysql -u root -p original_database < /Users/username/Desktop/edited_data.sql

Here I want to replace the entire MySQL database with the backup. I do this on my backup machine from time to time using the nightly My backup. This example shows the password after the flag.

mysql -u root -pYourPassword < mysql-backup.sql

Things I can’t remember—Apache and MySQL

Restarting Apache and MySQL is sometimes necessary when the site isn’t responding. I can never remember exactly where the commands are located on different flavors of Linux/Unix.


This is where the services are located on Gentoo.

sudo vi /etc/php/apache2-php5/php.ini 
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart 
sudo /etc/init.d/exim restart 

OSX Mountain Lion

sudo apachectl restart

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server stop
sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start 


Automatically upgrade packages using Aptitude.

sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
sudo reboot

If Aptitude doesn’t work, then use apt-get.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Restarting services is easier on Ubuntu since you don’t need to remember where they are. The /etc/init.d restart method used in Gentoo also works.

sudo service apache2 restart
sudo service ssh restart
sudo service mysql restart

A as in Hay

We recently got a comment about this exercise.

Oh my gosh!

“the dog has A furry paw.” A as in HAY??

I spent a lot of years in the elementary classroom trying to soften that pronunciation to “uh” instead. Middle school and HS too!



It could be our Midwestern accent, but there are many occasions where we prefer the long a to a short one.

Long a used for emphasis (or surprise).
We had a wonderful time at your party.
I hadn’t seen her for a while so I gave her a big hug.
I didn’t study and I still got a B on the test!
Guess what? I got a car for my birthday!

Long a used in enumeration to indicate just one of something.
We took seven bats and a ball to practice.
She had pens, paper, some textbooks, and a sandwich in her backpack.

Almost always when starting a sentence.
A speeding car almost hit the kids.
A penny saved is a penny earned.

And sometimes, it just sounds better to use a long a.
Congress met on New Year’s day to avoid a fiscal crisis.
This is a fine mess you’ve got us in Ollie.

In this particular case, we were probably just being consistent with the short phrase.
We are trying to get the initial p pronunciation and the short phrase is: a furry paw
Since it has a long a, when we said the sentence, we probably just used the same intonation. Although, we could have unconsciously been applying the first rule, and used the long a for emphasis.

And possibly.

I suspect the real reason I said “ae” is because when you read that many sentences sometimes you switch to the decoding only mode and don’t say it as if you were speaking it. It is easy to over articulate as well. I have a note from a teacher in college that gave me an A- because of my “over precise speech.” Think I might still frame that!